Sunday, October 16, 2011

UK Woodlands In Danger As Disease Spreads

Many of our most important species of trees, including oak, beech and larch are under threat from diseases. Imports of plants will face more rigorous controls as new threats are identified, to prevent new strains from entering the UK. Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary has said "These exotic diseases have escalated in the past 10 years. We are going to combat the scourge of these diseases, which threaten to change our landscape for ever unless we act." Phytophthora ramorum pathogen on larch and red band needle blight on pines, the leaf miner caterpillar that targets horse chestnuts, the emerald ash borer from North America, and oak wilt disease all pose a threat.
Posted by Astrojenny

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It's worrying the spread of the diseases and pests we have lost so many horse chestnut trees lately.

The road I live on had 6 horse chestnuts, have lost 2 already and the remaining ones are not looking too healthy either. Their leaves had turned brown by June this year. Will be so sorry to see them go :(

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