Cluster Flies, Pollenia RudisAt about 9 mm long, the cluster fly is slightly larger than the common house fly. The thorax is dark olive grey, with fine golden hairs which can easily be rubbed off. There are no distinct lines or stripes behind the head and the abdomen has irregular light and dark grey areas.
The female lays eggs in the soil near the burrows of earthworms. The tiny maggots that hatch from the eggs seek out earthworms to feed upon. As cold weather progresses, adults seek protected places to spend the winter, particularly during Sept and Oct and again in early spring.
In many cases the flies seek shelter within walls, roof voids and attics, usually returning to the
same bulldingyear after year and often favouring south facing buildings.
The female lays eggs in the soil near the burrows of earthworms. The tiny maggots that hatch from the eggs seek out earthworms to feed upon. As cold weather progresses, adults seek protected places to spend the winter, particularly during Sept and Oct and again in early spring.
In many cases the flies seek shelter within walls, roof voids and attics, usually returning to the
same bulldingyear after year and often favouring south facing buildings.
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