Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rat wakes up Homeless man in New York Subway...

Transport workers blame budget cuts as even MORE rats than usual plague New York subway

Even more rats than usual are running wild on the New York subway because of budget cuts, transport workers claim.

Staffing cutbacks have allowed the rat population to explode as rubbish goes uncollected and refuse storage rooms are inadequately sealed, MTA empoyees say.

Members of the Transport Workers Union Local 100 chanted: 'Cutbacks mean the rats are back!' at a rally at an entrance to the Parsons/Archer subway hub in Jamaica, Queens, which has one of the worst rodent infestations.

Even more rats are running wild on the New York subway because of staff and budget cuts, transport workers claim
Nasty surprise: Even more rats are running wild on the New York subway because of staff and budget cuts, transport workers claim (file photo)
Union members collected thousands of signatures from subway users for a petition urging management to increase the frequency of rubbish collection, put more bins in stations and seal off refuse storage rooms more effectively.
Kevin Harrington, a Local 100 vice president and one of the three dozen campaigners at the station, told the New York Daily News: 'We have a huge rat problem."

Charles Seaton, a spokesman for the MTA, said: 'This has proven to be a problem location and even following some of the suggestions offered by the TWU, it has failed to yield positive results.
'In the short term, we are baiting the [Archer] station more often and removing refuse from the station more often.'

Horror: Subway rider awakes to find the rodent inches from his face
Horror: Subway rider awakes to find the rodent inches from his face

The MTA's 2010 and 2011 budgets would eliminate 254 subway car, track and station-cleaning positions to save $21 million annually, budget documents show.

The MTA said it doesn't have a rat population estimate and said it was unclear if there has been a surge but plenty of people who use the subway have horror stories about rat encounters.

Earlier this year video of a rat scurrying up the leg and on to the face of a man asleep on the 4 train became a Youtube sensation.

In the video the passenger then wakes up and recoils in horror as the rodent does a runner across the carriage.

However, while passengers sometimes encounter rodents on platforms and trains, subway workers have to contend with the rodents in greater numbers in utility rooms, track beds, locker rooms and lunch rooms, according to Harrington.

The union said it plans to hold additional rallies at rat-plagued stations.

The MTA said they are working on a solution.

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